What do Indians wear?

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what do Indians wear
What do Indians wear
India has a great tradition on clothing matters. Both Indian men and women have great traditional clothes to wear that has been handed out to them from centuries old culture from the Indus Valley civilisation. Indian women have traditionally wore saress, salwar kameez and local dresses. Indian men on the other hand have  worn kurta pajamas, lungis, dhotis and other local dresses. 

In the picture you see on the right, is me. I am wearing a yellow salwar kameez. Although this is traditionally worn in the Punjab, it has been widely accepted and is now worn all over India. I also like wearing the saree (sari) on special occasions. Sarees are perhaps the most elegant of all Indian dresses, it can be seen on Indian women in all walks of life Indian life and places across India. Here's how to wear the Saree. Indian clothes specially the sari and salwar kameez can also been seen worn by American and European women. 
Shalu Sharma - Author and Blogger

Shalu Sharma is a blogger and author from Bihar. You can her on http://shalusharma.com.