How to start a travel blog and make money

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I have published a new ebook called, "How to start a travel blog and make money". This book is perhaps one of the most comprehensive of all book related to travel blogging. This book covers everything that is required on how to start a travel blog from registering a domain name to getting traffic and making money from it. I have written about my new ebook in detail here. The book can be found here on Amazon USA and is available on all Amazon stores. 

This is cover of the book
How to start a travel blog and make money
How to start a travel blog and make money
This book as the name says "how to start a travel blog and make money" is exactly what is says on the tin which is to start a travel blog and make money from it. 

Shalu Sharma - Author and Blogger

Shalu Sharma is a blogger and author from Bihar. You can her on